Our engineers and data scientists have worked on AI solutions with
The fastest path to building real value with AI. No vendor lock-in. No starting from scratch.
Builders (top 1% FAANG & Fortune 500)
AI solutions in production
Monthly LLM requests processed
Proven software architectural components and elite talent who’ve shipped similar solutions. Skip costly experimentation and move straight to what works. You maintain complete control of your data and infrastructure while accelerating time to value.
Battle Tested Components
Customize your needs
Avoid vendor lock-in
Eliminate redundant building
Integrate with existing systems
Expert Teams
11,000+ vetted builders
Top 1% from FAANG & Fortune 500
Avg 10+ years of experience
Expertise across AI + industries
The fastest path to building real value with AI. No vendor lock-in. No starting from scratch.
Ship fast with confidence
Skip lengthy trial and error with expert teams and battle-tested components proven to deliver for leading enterprises.
Own your architecture
Maintain full control with vendor-agnostic, open-source components that work seamlessly with your stack.
Build what works
Start with proven architectures that scale, guided by technical talent who've solved similar challenges before.
Stay agile, control costs
Scale specialized talent on-demand without the overhead and long-term commitments of traditional hiring or consultants.

Schedule a consultation to explore how our AI architectures and expert teams can fast track your development.